
professional geek ramblings
est. 2003

Happiness is getting...

...the first issue of Ingo's Distributed .NET Newsletter. If you are doing anything distributed in .NET, you need to be subscribed. Heck, you need to be subscribed anyhow because almost anything Ingo says is brilliant. [Sam Gentile's Blog]

Agreed. I was very happy to see it waiting in my inbox. Thanks Ingo!

[ScottW's ASP.NET WebLog]

I hate to be all me too and whatnot, but I must chime in concurrance. (just to spice up me too). I like the layout, it fits with Ingo's site in layout / color scheme, and the content - of course! But the layout is what first grabbed my attention  - not just another 'oh here's a bunch of hyperlinks in text' newsletters. Sweeet. :)